Our back room has always been a bit of boys room, but recently it's become a bit more so.
This doesn't mean that girls don't like it there too...in fact many girls & boys of all ages often spend a whole afternoon browsing through our amazing collection of postcards in there.
Anyway....this room rather than all the others is more 'us' and we're planning on indulging ourselves and making it even more so. If we had the room we'd have a train layout and squishy sofas in there, but sadly we haven't, so for the time being that's not going to happen. We have however got some other boys toy props.....sorry they aren't for sale, but if you've been dragged around the shops by your missus, and want to escape for a few minutes this room might amuse you!
Here are a few pics to wet your appetite and some factoids for the anoraks (like us)!
Both of these aircraft were made as approx. 1/8 scale models and have flown in the past. They both represent aircraft of the First World War period. One is the Fokker E.III, that entered service on the Western Front in December 1915 and was also supplied to Austria-Hungary and Turkey. The E.III was the main variant of the Eindecker (monoplane) fighter aircraft of World War I. The second plane is the Royal Aircraft Factory S.E.5 (Scout Experimental 5), a British biplane of the same period. The first of three prototypes flew on 22 November 1916. The first two prototypes were lost in crashes due to a weakness in their wing design, but the third underwent modification before production commenced; the S.E.5 was known in service as an exceptionally strong aircraft which could be dived at very high speed - the squarer wings also gave much improved lateral control at low airspeeds.
As well as the props, this room also has a reasonable selection of military books, most of the military related stuff that's in the shop, a collection of crested china and other china of a commemorative and boy interest nature, general boyish stuff, oodles of old photographs and thousands of postcards, all collated into easy to find sections, courtesy of Mum & Dad (thank you guys!)
We've got lots more stuff to add to this room, so keep your eyes on it!