At this time of the year we concentrate on fundraising for the Royal British Legion. Our window displays are an exhibition designed to educate and evoke remembrance of times of conflict and those involved. We pick a different subject each year and this year because of the recent centenary we've focused on the start of WW1.
Nothing is for sale in these windows and items for these displays are from our own collection or generously loaned to us. We also work with local schools, to give children the opportunity to see and handle original items; with the aim of helping the next generation understand the consequences of war. This year as well as having schools visit us to see our window display, we are taking some along to our Friends at the Guildhall Museum to see their WW1 exhibition. Some of our other friends will be joining us for this visit dressed in WW1 costume.
These are a few pictures of our current window display. It will be like this until Wednesday the 12th November. If you get the chance do come and see it. If you come into the shop you'll also hear a rousing collection of songs from the WW1 period. If you're unlucky when you come you might even hear the Fieldstaff Choir singing along!!
Some of our regular customers will notice that the planes from our back room have made their way into our window; a dogfight between our British SE-5A and a German Eindecker E3 has kicked off! The planes are fully flying models built by our resident air-mechanic and biscuit dealer Allan Smith, on permanent loan, who's handiwork can also be seen at the Guildhall Museum in their 'Stories of the Great War' exhibition.
Another one of our team this year is the ever-helpful Nick Baines, who regularly donates his own first world war memorabilia to our windows, and this year had a hand in helping us piece it all together!
We'd also like to thank Nigel Day, who's been involved in the ideas for this years' window, and helped point us towards the wonderful illustrative work of wartime artist Frank Dadd. Our banner in the window is a joint partnership between the Guildhall museum and ourselves, and the artwork was gratefully given to us to use by Amberley Publishing and writer John Christopher, author of 'Victoria Station Through Time'.
As every year, we are raising money for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal, and have a splendid selection of their poppy products for sale in the shop. Come and get them!